Sub Soiler

The Sub soiler / chisel plough are deep tillage implements specially designed for breaking up hard pan layers and loosening the subsoil allowing better drainage and root growth.

It increases soil turnover by reaching deeper organic matter layers.
Optional wide range of roller which helps in breaking bigger lumps to smaller clods. Also it helps in depth control and steady run of the chisel plough.
High quality wear-resistant steel used for the shovel, which gives it a long life in the toughest conditions.
The heavy duty pointed chisel shatters the soil well below the surface, thus increasing the water holding capacity.
Specially designed tyne is capable of penetrating up to 700 mm deep.

Depth can be adjusted easily by top links.

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Number of tynes 1 2 3
Tyne (mm) 150 x 25mm Thickness
Working depth (mm) 550
Length (mm) 510 550 830
Width (mm) 660 1220 1525
Height (mm) 1060-1360
Weight (Kgs) 95 195 280
Tractor (HP) 40-55 60-75 80-95